Walk One: Brookline to Concord MA, Sat Mar 24, 2001

Sections:   Cambridge    Watertown    Waltham    Train Ride    Lincoln    Concord    

Part 6: Concord

At this point, the camera had run out of memory so that's it for the pictures! From Fairhaven Bay, we worked our way back up behind Walden Pond, then across through Concord public land to Route 2, which we had to walk along for about 1/2 mile to get to a crossing point (how inconsiderate these highway designers are!). Sudbury road then took us into Concord, where we rested over (non-alcoholic) drinks at La Provence, got some cheeses and dinner at the Concord Cheese Shop, and hopped back on the train back to Boston. Phew!

The End!

Sections:   Cambridge    Watertown    Waltham    Train Ride    Lincoln    Concord    

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